Bachillerato General Mediante Certificacion por Examen from Mexico

Source: Ulises Peña via

Primary and secondary education in Mexico is generally comprised of 11-12 years of study, depending on the time period, the type of program, and the institution attended.


Lower secondary education programs of study which lead to further education in upper secondary schools are referred to as educacion secundaria (lower secondary education). Although the term secundaria may be translated as secondary, it refers only to the first three years of secondary education, or lower secondary education. A graduate of secundaria has completed ninth grade.


Academic upper secondary education (educacion medio superior / preparatorio) generally lasts for 3 years (usually 6 semesters in duration), for a total of 12 years of primary and secondary education. However, some upper secondary education programs may require only 2 years of accelerated study at upper secondary institutions that are affiliated to autonomous universities.

After completing the requirements of the academic upper secondary education program, the student's transcript will indicate that the student has finished or completed the study of the Bachillerato or Preparatoria (university-preparatory studies). The certificado de estudios (certificate of studies/academic transcript) showing completion of the Bachillerato or Preparatoria program grants access to higher education at colleges and universities in Mexico.

While most students in Mexico complete upper secondary education by enrolling in in-person classes, studying via distance or virtual education programs, or completing self-paced open education programs, some adult education programs allow an alternative route: a Bachillerato General program via Certificacion por Examen (High School Certification by Exam). This examination is administered throughout Mexico and the United States and allows adults 18 and over who have completed secundaria (lower secondary education, grade 9) the opportunity to earn a high school diploma through self-study by passing an upper secondary education examination. 

The examination incorporates mathematics, experimental sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as communications, focusing on reading and writing. Upon successfully passing all components, graduates who complete the exams through a school may receive a certificado de estudios without grades showing the coursework that was earned through validation of the examination.

The examination can be taken either through individual high school schools, leading to a Bachillerato General awarded by the high school, or through the Centro Nacional de Evaluacion para la Educacion Superior/CENEVAL (National Center for Higher Education Evaluation). 

Completion of the Bachillerato General program through Certificacion por Examen from a recognized high school is comparable to completion of a college-preparatory high school diploma.

National Center for Higher Education Evaluation/CENEVAL: and and
Secretary of Public Education/SEP: and and and and
Educational Information and Management System/SIGED: School Consultation:

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