
There are 4 easy steps to getting an evaluation:
  1. Select the Type of Report You Need.
    Determine if you need an Official Evaluation or a Provisional Assessment. An Official Evaluation requires official documents while a Provisional Assessment is based on unofficial documents such a scans or copies; please see our country-specific requirements. Be sure to check with the intended recipient if you choose a Provisional Assessment to make sure they'll accept a report based on unofficial documents.
  2. Complete the Application Form and Pay the Fees.
    Your applicant form must be filled out entirely; the educational history is vitally important. Even if we aren't evaluating every institution you attended, you must still tell us about all of it, beginning with 9th grade. You don't have to provide documents for documents you don't want evaluated. If you have more than 4 credentials to be evaluated, please be aware that your report may take longer to complete, and we charge an additional fee. You can choose if you only want some of your educational records to be evaluated, however, so just let us know on the application contract.
  3. Attach Scans of Your Documents to the Online Application.
    If you want an Official Evaluation, you have to meet the country-specific requirements appropriate to your country and level of education. If you want a Provisional Review, you should also review the country-specific requirements to see the types of documents need even though they don't need to be official. NOTE: If your documents are not officially issued by the institution in English, we also need a translation, and we have rules about that, too, so check out here:
  4. Send Official Documents only if You Need an Official Evaluation.
    If you need an Official Evaluation, send the official documents to us or make arrangements to have the institution send them to us. We cannot complete and send an Official Evaluation without official documents. If you are getting a Provisional Assessment, you don't have to mail anything.

Please contact us BEFORE applying if you have questions! 

Please note we have custom applications for applicants to the University of Dallas, the City University of New York (CUNY), the New York University School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS), Baylor College of Medicine, Millersville University, and US-AID. Custom applications do not have the option for Provisional Assessment; it depends on the specific institution's policies. 


More Information about us and our services!

Online Application 


Terms of Service 


We offer both general and course-by-course evaluations. The general evaluation is a statement of comparability that includes recognition of higher education institutions, U.S. equivalency, institutional GPA, and more. The course-by-course evaluation includes all of that information but also includes a list of each subject on post-secondary transcripts along with U.S. recommended credits and grades for each subject. A course-by-course evaluation can also be conducted of high school/secondary school credentials, but it will only include subjects and grades; it will not include credits or Carnegie units. If you are applying with an incomplete high school/secondary school transcript to transfer to a US high school, please check with the US school first to see if they will accept an evaluation that does not have credits or Carnegie units. For anyone who has earned at least two years of university-level study, the course-by-course list of subjects and grades will not include secondary/high school education unless specifically requested. 

Our detailed Terms of Service are available here. You can also learn more detailed information about our Evaluation Policies


Transcript Research understands that this is a tumultuous time for a lot of people, but we are still here, at full capacity, hard at work on conducting international education evaluations for further education, employment, and more.

We certainly understand that obtaining the necessary documentation can be a challenge right now. Please feel free to contact us at with any concerns or issues, and we will do our best to assist you in resolving them.

You can also read our temporary policy regarding postal mail delivery.