
Bachillerato General Mediante Certificacion por Examen from Mexico

Source: Ulises Peña via Pexels.comPrimary and secondary education in Mexico is generally comprised of 11-12 years of study, depending on the time period, the type of program, and the institution attended.   Lower secondary education programs of study which lead to further education in upper secondary schools are referred to as educacion secundaria (lower secondary education). Although the term secundaria may be translated as secondary, it refers only to the first three years of secondary education, or lower secondary education. A graduate of secundaria has completed ninth grade.   Academic upper secondary education (educacion medio superior / preparatorio) generally lasts...

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Nursing Education at the University of the West Indies

(Photograph of UWI School of Nursing, Mona campus from UWI)At the University of the West Indies, Mona campus, three different nursing programs are offered: A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN degree), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing post-RN (BScN post RN), and a Master of Science in Nursing (MscN). At the undergraduate level, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program requires at least two passes on the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) or General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) exams. The program requires completion of three years of full-time study and three periods of summer clinical...

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Cameroon Technical and Vocational Education Examinations - Intermediate Technical Certificate

  Cameroon is a country who education is heavily influenced by both English and French educations systems, resulting in a dual education system. The British system is followed in the southwestern and northwestern provinces, though technically any school in Cameroon can offer either curriculum.  Primary school is compulsory; completion of primary education after six or seven years leads to the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC), typically at age 12. Secondary education is divided into two phases or cycles. The first phase is offered in secondary schools and is comprised of Forms I-V. The school-issued transcript showing completion of Form V...

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Developmental Courses at University of Technology, Jamaica

(Photo from the University of Technology, Jamaica website) Students in some programs at the University of Technology, Jamaica may be required to take non-credit developmental courses if they have not passed a related course on the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination after completing secondary education. Common developmental courses may be general education in nature, such as Developmental English or Foundation Mathematics. Some specific programs, such as business or economics majors, may separately require Fundamentals of Accounting. Likewise, science programs may require Preliminary Biology, Basic Physics, or Fundamentals of Chemistry before students are able to enroll in degree-level coursework. These developmental...

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Namibian National Qualifications Framework

 The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) has implemented the 10-level Namibian National Qualifications Framework (NNQF), which is a set of principles and guidelines to organize the country's education system and enable national recognition of educational credentials. Credentials on the Framework include Certificates, Diplomas, and degrees. Secondary education qualifications are at levels 3 and 4. Higher education begins with level 5, which represents the first year of an undergraduate degree program. Postgraduate studies begin with Level 9. This short list, which is not all inclusive, includes vocational, secondary, post-secondary, and higher education qualifications to make it easier to see how all of...

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