Mail Policy Updates

Transcript research remains open and is continuing to provide the high level of evaluation service our customers require. Please note that there may be delays in receiving postal mail both due to slowdowns in the United States Postal Service and local ordinances that are limiting travel around the city as well as holiday delays. We will continue receiving postal mail safely and regularly, but we may be unable to check our mailbox on a daily basis.

Documents for a Provisional Assessment can be sent to us electronically by email or fax.

As always, documents for an Official Evaluation may also be sent electronically by fax or email from the institution that issued the credential such as secondary examination boards or higher education institutions, as per our country requirements. For electronic records, we must be able to confirm that the sender is the appropriate authority at the institution that issues educational records. Please refer to our country requirements or contact us for questions.

Please note that Official Evaluation reports are issued electronically by default. For those applicants who also need a print copy for themselves or a third party, Official Evaluations are printed on security paper in a sealed, stamped envelope and sent to the applicant's mailing address unless third party shipping is purchased or an institution-specific application is used. Provisional Assessments are issued electronically only.